Sheckler Dental

Your family dentist in Charles City, IA

Emergency Care

Emergency Care

Dental injuries and severe dental pain require immediate attention. Be aware of the emergency procedures described below, and always have an emergency dentists' contact information at hand.

Fractured Tooth

In the event of a fractured tooth with pain and bleeding, contact a dentist. A fractured tooth may be saved if treated quickly. Take the proper steps to minimize the chance of infection. Apply gentle pressure to the gums around the tooth to stop bleeding, but never apply direct pressure to the fractured tooth. Rinse the mouth with warm water and apply cold compresses to control the swelling.

Lost Tooth

Trauma powerful enough to knock out a tooth requires immediate attention with a dentist in order to maximize chances of saving the tooth. If the lost tooth can be recovered, it should only be handled by the crown, or white part of the tooth. The tooth should be removed of any obvious debris and gently re-inserted into the empty tooth socket, and held in place with a clean washcloth. If the patient cannot re-insert the tooth, it should be kept moist until the emergency dentist visit, preferably in milk, saline solution or saliva.


In the event of chipped, cracked, lost teeth, toothaches, or other emergencies such as trauma to lips, tongue or objects lodged in teeth, contact our office.

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